Modern homeowners have the opportunity to choose between many different interior paint types and colors. However, choosing the right interior paint requires certain considerations. The overall style in the room and the furniture are some of these factors that must be considered. In addition, the location of the home plays a big role, especially in Brevard Florida.
Brevard and Volusia Florida has a humid subtropical and tropical savanna climate. This is one of the reasons why so many people decide to move to Brevard and Volusia Florida. In summer the high temperatures and high humidity forces people to get out of their homes and visit some of the many beautiful beaches or to stay at home with the air conditioning on. Because of the specific climate and lifestyle, people in Florida love to be involved in outdoor activities and like to keep their homes opened up and to be open plan. So, how can these facts help people choose the right interior paint for a Florida home?
The truth is that each color absorbs and/or reflects various quantities of light. For instance, black has the ability to absorb light very efficiently while white can absorb very small quantities. On top of that, the absorbed light is converted into heat. In other words, black color and dark colors in general appear like that because they are not reflecting the light – they are absorbing it.
On the other hand, white and light colors are more cooling while dark colors are associated with warmth. It is logical to assume that light colors are the ideal choice for the Florida climate and environment. However, if we rely only on light colors, our home may look a little bit monotonous. So, it is the best idea to add some dark accent colors in some places. Sometime only a discreet line can make a difference.
Interior paint is capable of improving the atmosphere in any room and affecting the mood in a positive way. In addition, they can make the rooms look smaller or bigger and in addition, they can absorb, reflect, and create light. If you want to avoid any mistakes, enter every room and see how much natural light comes to the room and what kind of furniture you have.
As we have already mentioned, interior paint colors are cool or warm. Dark interior paint can make the space warmer and more refined and make the space appear smaller. On the other hand light nuances and colors are cooler and make rooms look more spacious. We use A2Z Painting Co. in Melbourne for a lot of the interior painting on the custom homes we build. They always help choose the best paint to use.
If you are looking for interior paint for your home in Florida, it is crucial to consider the hot and subtropical climate here. Remember that the paint can reflect or attract heat which can create a lot of problems. Choose light colors for your home because they will make it cooler, but if you have rooms that don’t get much sunlight; you can use a combination of dark and light colors.
We hope that these tips will help you make the right choice. If you need help choosing the right paint and color scheme for your new construction home in Brevard or Volusia please give our professional designers at Stanley Homes a call. We can set you on the right path to your Florida Style of Living home. Call us at 321-369-9160 or contact us via email.